Wednesday, 7 July 2021

wairaka screencastify



  1. I enjoyed your screencastify. I always enjoy hearing about stories relating to Whakatane, my old home town.
    The tool bar at the bottom of the screen blocked some of the text.

  2. Hi Leo, my name is Quan from Room 8. I like your post because you put so much work into it and when you did the Wairaka and told the story. I like the way when you did the boat and the rain when it was coming down and the boat was going through. How did you do the rain and the fading on the boat?

    You should check out my blog.
    Blog you later.

    1. Hi Quan Leo here
      Thanks for commenting on my blog I really like your advice
      and I will try to check out your blog. I didn't make the rain. Miss Green must of used a gif. How do you like school?
